314 3rd Ave W
Dickinson, North Dakota 58601

Join us at Mystic Miner Ski Resort for a fabulous weekend of outdoor activites. Enjoy skiing under the Black Hills sky on Friday from 4pm to 9pm during our Friday Night Lights. And don't miss the opportunity to dress in your favorite 80's attire for our "I'm Stuck in the 80's Day" on Saturday, January 31st. Everyone who dresses in 80's garb will receive $5 off of their lift ticket or if you are a season pass holder you will get a half price meal in the Mine Shaft Lounge. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes, so ROCK ON and relive the 80's, dude!

Official Website: http://skimystic.com

Added by lisa_weyer on January 29, 2009

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