1008 Western Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98104

Please ensure you RSVP by getting your free ticket at http://myspace-devjam-seattle.eventbrite.com/

The MySpace Developer Platform team (http://developer.myspace.com) invites you to join us on Saturday March 15th in Seattle for a day of learning, collaboration and application development. The event will take place at our Seattle offices.

Places are limited, so book your ticket now.

9AM - 12PM -- Welcome, Tutorials and Code Walk-Throughs led by MySpace Developers

12PM - 1PM -- Lunch

1PM - 7:30PM -- Development & Breakout Sessions

7:30PM - 9PM -- Show-n-Tell, Beer and Pizza, & Prizes

The day will kick off with a morning of tutorial and workshop sessions led by the lead architects of the MySpace Developer Platform. They will take you step-by-step through the process of creating an app - from creating the initial account on the site, cutting the code with OpenSocial and the API through to getting your app onto MySpace.

After a break for lunch we'll open the space up for app hacking. Feel free to kick off a new app at the event or bring your existing project along to continue developing. Code on your own or collaborate with others - it's up to you. MySpace developers will of course be on hand to answer all your questions.

Breakout sessions
During the afternoon we'll also run ad-hoc breakout sessions led by MySpace developers on any of the aspects of the platform you have questions about.

At the end of the event we'll offer everyone the opportunity to take part in the show-n-tell session. Over a cold beer and a slice of pizza, of course! Those who have something to show will be able to demo their app at the end of the event. Or alternatively you can complete you app at home, and come back to one of the regular follow-up 'show-n-tell evening sessions' we'll be holding.

There may even be a prize or two for the most promising app(s) built during the event!

Places are limited - so do book soon if you are able to come for the day on Saturday March 15th. But please, for the benefit of the wider developer community, please only book if you know you can make it - so that we can have as many developers at possible at the event!

We look forward to seeing you all. If you have any questions about the event, or the platform itself, please contact developerrelations@myspace.com

MySpace Developer Platform: http://developer.myspace.com
Get your ticket: http://myspace-devjam-seattle.eventbrite.com/

Official Website: http://myspace-devjam-seattle.eventbrite.com/

Added by dotben on February 23, 2008