7741 M-72 East
Williamsburg, Michigan 49690

MTL is always free to play, they just ask that you support the venue it is played at.

You play as a team, couple, or single. You do not have to answer the questions out loud. You hand in a piece of paper with your answer and wager on it. It is general knowledge trivia. The game is played in six rounds of three questions, with a half time question, and final question.

Also, there is a freebie each game. The Newsletter question can be found at http://www.mytrivialive.com/Home/news.aspx toward the bottom of the page.

Come out and have fun playing!

Official Website: http://www.mytrivialive.com/Home/Home.aspx

Added by The Insufferable Know_it_Alls on May 14, 2009