Tired of toiling for the Man? Ready to be your own boss or beef up your existing freelance business? Join Michelle Goodman, author of MY SO-CALLED FREELANCE LIFE: HOW TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE AS A CREATIVE PROFESSIONAL FOR HIRE (“sequel” to her 2007 title, THE ANTI 9-TO-5 GUIDE), for answers to all your burning freelance questions and a booze-soaked reception that's guaranteed to be more fun than your last office party.
“I love this book! A must-read for established and hopeful creative professionals.” --Ariel Gore, author of How to Become a Famous Writer Before You’re Dead
The evening’s agenda: Schmoozing! Book signing! Prizes! Snacks and drinks! And of course, meeting of like-minded freelance minds! Book reading and Q&A at 7 p.m.
As a bonus, October 16 happens to be National Boss Day. Rather than suck up to your manager with a sappy card or box of chocolates this year, how about learning how to be your own boss?
Free and open to the public. Kids welcome.
Co-sponsors: Office Nomads and University Book Store
Official Website: http://www.anti9to5guide.com/events
Added by mgoodman on September 14, 2008