There is only 1 day left until my Rally to Win Condi's Heart in Lafayette Park, right across from the White House in Washington DC! Please come show your support for me, as I try to fight for my love.
I'd really like as many people to come and show their support for me as possible! Bring signs and banners - because we are going to march right up Pennsylvania Avenue toward the State Department!
I'd also like to sing a song I had written for Condi, "I Think Of You So Fondly". It would be totally awesome if people learned the song (check my site, to hear it!), and helped me sing and dance along to it at the rally, like our very own MGM musical for Condi, this Saturday, December 8th at 11:30AM-1PM in front of the White House and 2:30-4:30 in front of the State Department!
This will be a fun event like no other in our rich history - so come and participate - and meet me!
Official Website:
Added by emperorm2000 on December 7, 2007