Sunday, January 8 – 7:30 PM
My French Film Festival Presents: EIGHT TIMES UP, 2010, UFO, 103 min. Writer and director Xabi Molia handles the heavy subject of unemployment with humor and poignancy as he explores the trials and tribulations of Elsa (Julie Gayet, winner of Best Actress at the 2010 Tokyo Film Festival) and her neighbor Mathieu (Denis Podalyes), both threatened with eviction and forced to face the job search head-on. As the two join forces to strategize their game plan but continue to inefficiently bounce from one interview to the next, they find themselves drawn together in the process. Gayet has appeared in SHALL WE KISS and IMMACULATE (shown as part of COL-COA in 2008 and 2010, respectively) and co-starred alongside Dany Boon and Daniel Auteuil in Patrice Leconte’s MY BEST FRIEND. In French with English subtitles. [35mm] Discussion following with actress and co-producer Julie Gayet. Short film “The Piano Tuner” (2010, 13 min), winner of COL-COA People’s Choice Award and starring Gregoire Leprince Ringuet, to precede the film. My French Film Festival is an online film festival running from January 12 – February 1, organized by Unifrance Films and Snag Films, with the support of TV5 Monde and the French Film and TV Office, French Embassy Los Angeles.
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Added by AmericanCinematheque on December 30, 2011