City Hall
Fall River, Massachusetts 02723


Hosted By: Fall River Dog Owners
Fall River, MA

Please join thousands of dog owners worldwide on Sunday, August 20th, 2006 at 8 PM EST, to remember the victims of breed bans in the 2nd Annual My Dog Votes Candlelight Vigil Against Breed Bans.

Breed bans are sweeping North America and the world, and thousands of innocent dogs are being put to death at the hands of ignorant politicians, even taken from the arms of loving owners, and you can help stop it.

Were asking dog owners everywhere to help by holding local candlelight vigils and stand in solidarity with dog owners in affected communities. Light a candle to shed light on breed discrimination and help save the thousands of innocent dogs who will be put to death because of breed bans.

Light a candle in the USA, in Canada, in the UK. Light a candle in New Zealand, in Australia, in Brazil and Portugal. Light a candle in Israel, in France, in Germany, in Sweden and in Italy. If you love dogs, light a candle you can help save a life.

Join dog owners around the world and stand in solidarity with dog owners in Denver, where the city has confiscated and killed close to 1000 innocent dogs in the last year for being the "wrong breed".

Light a candle and remember the innocent dogs killed in the Province of Ontario. Light a candle and remember the innocent dogs in California, in Massachussetts, in Prince Georges County Maryland, in Mobile, Alabama.

Light a candle and save a life. No matter where you are, no matter what breed of dog you own, tell you friends and neighbors. Tell every dog owner you know about this vigil, and ask them to join you to stop the spread of fear and hate.

No matter who you are, no matter what your faith, ask your spiritual leaders, to bless the animals, to include mention this vigil in their messages to stop the slaughter of innocent dogs.


We can stand together to stop the spread fear and ignorance. We can stand together to stop the slaughter of innocent dogs. We can stand together to overturn breed bans.

My Dog Votes asks you to show your support and solidarity for innocent dogs by creating a candlelight vigil in your community - do it for the dogs.

My Dog Votes is asking that you gather peacefully in your local park or on the steps of your municipal building at 8 PM EST on Sunday, August 20th at 8 PM EST.

Please bring signs and candles. Gather peacefully, respectfully. Thank you.


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Event submitted by on behalf of MyDogVotes.

Added by My Dog Votes on August 8, 2006

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