157 Lafayette Street
New York, New York

Open Vodka bar 6:30-7:30
Complimentary chocolates & sweets
Cheesy mingle game

Age group: 20s & 30s

This event is for you singles who have a love-hate relationship with Valentines Day, who can't help rolling your eyes at tacky design-displays and endless advertising tactics by retailers all across the country.

So, instead of yet another conventional Valentines hook-up party, we celebrate this grand occasion by wallowing in all the cheesiness and tackiness possible. An overabundance of cheap and gaudy drugstore decorations, all the stereotypical treats, cheesy valentines love notes and of course the most embarrassingly tacky mingle game. We highly encourage guests to wear as much red as possible. Dust off that button-down sweater with hearts your grandma knitted you for Christmas. Bring fabric roses with fake dewdrops to impress a possible date. Use your imagination...and remember, you are ALL Mr. T's Valentine.

RSVP at http://www.euromanticny.com/eventcheesyvalentine.htm

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of Euromantic.