Title: Women! For Your Eyes Only ... My Body and Me UK; A motivational Confidence Seminar Workshop
Your Hosts: Marie Robinson, Terry Neason
Venue: The Training Suite, 34 West George St, Glasgow, G2 1DA
Date: Saturday 15th May 2010
Start Time: 1pm
End Time: 5pm
****** http://www.mybodyandme.co.uk/ *****
Introductory offer price £85 per person (normal price is £145)
Q. Is the voice in your head a friend or a foe?
Q. Does fear of failure stop you before you start?
Q. Do you value yourself enough to change now?
When you drive yourself to distraction with I'm too BIG; too SMALL; too SHORT; too TALL; too FAT; too THIN; too OLD; too YOUNG; not GOOD ENOUGH... You know it's time to make a change and take positive action.
Learn to control your thoughts; counteract stress and negativity. Think it, live it and be all you can be.
Come and join us! 'My Body And Me' is THE FEELGOOD Female Event of 2010
* Strictly NO tree hugging! Get guidance, share advice, encouragement and lots of laughter!
* Positive Thinking - Personal Motivation - Discussion & Debate
* This intimate and exclusive event is focussed on transformational thinking and change.
* Stimulate your senses. Enjoy a day of endless possibilities.
* Take away tools & techniques; develop and improve how you feel about You & Your Body.
* Self Confidence Personal Impact Positive Body Image Stress Relief Self Esteem
Join Top Class Trainers of MyBodyAndMe UK ( http://www.mybodyandme.co.uk/ ):
Terry Neason - Confidence/Personal Impact/Motivational Entertainer
Marie Robinson - Body Design/Hypnotherapist/Personal Training
Register Your Interest on CONTACT PAGE- LIMITED SPACES - Book Now
Ticket Sales, Phone, Order now 07984 306661
Added by peter_java_pilgrim on March 29, 2010