1981 Clover St
Rochester, New York 14618-3299

Interactive children’s concert, presented as part of the Bebop to Bach Family Concert Series, featuring works of living composers from New York State. Children meet with Chris Van Hof, Diego Garcia, and Cary Ratcliff and get the chance to “take the pieces apart and put them back together”, learning how the different elements of composition work. Guest artists Chien-Kwan Lin, saxophone and Chris Van Hof, trombone. Sunday, April 3, 2-3pm, The Harley School: Lower School Centrum, 1981 Clover Street, Rochester, NY 14618-3299, (585) 442-1770, www.harleyschool.org. Admission $5 per person, $20 per family maximum.

Added by rodriguez.samantha428 on November 30, 2010