Oxfam Canada ROCKS at Music4Change Toronto
Local actions... Global Change
Stand-up in the Fight against HIV/AIDS
This summer Toronto will be home to Oxfam Canada’s Music4Change initiative: three live performance events to raise awareness of Oxfam Canada’s work fighting poverty and injustice and to engage Toronto in the struggle against the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Music4Change Rocks is our rock night, where you can dance the evening away to the intense, dynamic beats of some of the best rock bands in Toronto. Coinciding with the International AIDS Conference, Music4Change is uniquely designed to blend hedonism with humanitarianism in the international language of music.
Tickets are available at Soundscapes, 572 College St.; Oxfam, 215 Spadina Ave., Suite 200; and Johnny Rockomet, 360 Danforth Ave.
Licensed Event 19+
Official Website: http://music4change.ca
Added by music4changetoronto on July 27, 2006