Music In Your Life, the popular series on music sponsored by the Virginia Symphony Society of Greater Williamsburg and Williamsburg Regional Library, returns in February for four free programs. Organized this year by Dr. Miles J. Schwartz, Music In Your Life was first presented in 2000 and since then has presented lectures and performances about music in its many varieties. The presentations are free of charge and reservations are not needed. For more information contact the library at (757) 259-4070 or visit
Topics for this years series are:
Thursday, February 7, 7 p.m.: The Virginia Opera Presents
An Evening of Opera and Broadway with three singers and a pianist discussing and performing popular opera and showpieces.
Monday, February 11, 7 p.m.: A Visit to the American Songbook
Take a journey through the golden age of American popular music in this lecture accompanied by piano and vocal performances
Thursday, February 21, 7 p.m.: The Ambrosia Trio
Beverly Baker, Simon LaPlante and Rebecca Gilmore from the Virginia Symphony Orchestra will show how a piece of chamber music is rehearsed and performed.
Thursday, February 28, 7 p.m.: A conversation with Matthew Kraemer, Assistant Conductor of the Virginia Symphony Orchestra.
Hell discuss how one becomes an assistant conductor of a major orchestra as well
Event submitted by on behalf of programs.
Added by Programs on January 23, 2008