149 Girdle Ridge Rd
Katonah, New York 10536

Katie Hyun and David Southorn, violins; Wei-Yang Andy Lin, viola;
Mihai Marica, cello

Haydn ~ Bartók ~ Beethoven

In 1999, Caramoor established the annual String Quartet-in-Residence program supported by major endowment gifts from The Ernst C.Stiefel Foundation. It is Caramoor's goal to use the residency format to integrate a quartet into the life of the institution and the community. The Amphion String Quartet is the thirteenth Ernst Stiefel String Quartet-in-Residence at Caramoor. They visit schools and give concerts in the Fall and Spring. The residency ends with a concert during the Summer International Music Festival.

Caramoor Box Office: (914) 232-1252; email: boxoffice@caramoor.org

Added by Caramoor Box Office Staff on January 7, 2013