40 Charlton St
New York, New York 10014

Come hear Tony Saletan present songs from the most musical presidential campaign in U.S. history.  In 1948 when Henry Wallace ran for President on the Progressive party ticket, many outstanding artists joined his cause:  Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Paul Robeson, Alan Lomax, Malvina Reynolds (Little Boxes), E. Y. Harburg (Somewhere Over the Rainbow) and Harold Rome (Fanny) were among those who wrote, performed, and led songs supporting the Progressive Party.  Conventions, rallies and meetings started and ended with singing.  Tony Saletan will share these outstanding and most singable songs, many not heard for sixty years.  Don’t wait for the 100th anniversary!
The concert will start at 2:00 PM at Elisabeth Irwin HS, 40 Charlton Street, in Manhattan between Varrick St. and Sixth Ave., two blocks south of Houston. Concert admission is $20. Full-time students 22 and under are admitted free. Tickets can be purchased at the door, or on line at: www.folkconcert3.eventbrite.com. For information call 718-672-6399 or see www.folkmusicny.org

A fine guitar & Banjo player with a nice, smooth voice; Tony has traveled around the world collecting songs and he is superb at sharing them with you. He has had several folk Music TV series on public stations, and has appeared on radio's "Prairie Home Companion", and TV's "Sesame Street." Tony has been invited to sing American Folk Songs in 24 countries of Asia including 4 repeated Asian tours and was honored by receiving a grant from the Fund for the Arts recognizing his contributions to the traditional arts and has many records issued on:Western ITV, Old Northbridge, Folk Legacy, and National Geographic Society. He is particularly noted for his ability in finding outstanding song material and in sharing it with his audiences.

Official Website: http://www.folkmusicny.org

Added by DonWade on March 25, 2009

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