sound to image | image to sound with
kevin shea adams and andy strain “resonant migration”
peter nyboer “sense from nonsense”
about the show
Andy Strain and Kevin Shea Adams collaborate to create the sound painting Resonant Migration using an infrared-emitting circuit attached to a trombone slide that provides source material for digital video controllers, permitting the duo to interactively paint with light and sound.
Peter Nyboer will be creating a live laptop performance using a handmade sound synthesizer that converts image data to audio data, literally the sound of a pixel. Created in 2007 to reveal the sound of images stored in the Prelinger Archive, Peter uses his software to process images in realtime, building a visual and musical narrative that provides new meaning.
about music by the eyeful
a small part of the Creative New Music Series tended lovingly by Outsound Presents at the Luggage Store Gallery, Music by the Eyeful features inventions in visual music: from musician-filmmaker collaborations to optical instrument inventors to performative projectionists, and experimental work that highlights the sonic properties of visual art and the visual properties of music. Visit the project in thatspace to learn about upcoming shows.
Official Website:
Added by shoister on November 12, 2008