225 French Street
Bangor, Maine 04401

On Sunday, May 3 at 4:00pm the Parish Choir of St. John’s Episcopal Church will offer a service of Choral Evensong for the Season of Eastertide.

Choral Evensong, a combination of the medieval monastic offices of Vespers and Compline, will feature the music of English composers Herbert Howells, Gerald Near, Philip Radcliffe, David Wilcocks, and Charles Wood.

The particular form of Evensong in use at St. John’s was created by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556) and contains the language of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Evensong is essentially a service of reflection; within a hallowed space one may forget the ceaseless activity of daily life and be still. St. John’s is located at 225 French Street, directly behind John Bapst Memorial High School, and is wheelchair accessible.

Childcare will be provided and admission is free and open to the public. An offering will be received to benefit Meals for ME, a service of Eastern Area Agency on Aging that provides Noontime meals to persons 60 and older in Penobscot, Piscataquis, Hancock and Washington counties, either through home delivery or in a community dining room.

Directed by Travis LaCombe, Organist-Choirmaster, The St. John’s Parish Choir has a reputation for fine music-making in the Anglican choral tradition and a wide range of repertoire which spans the 15th century to the present day. The mixed choir, consisting of both adults and children, has made four tours abroad and has sung at many notable places, such as St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, England. The Parish Choir is affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music.

Official Website: http://www.stjohnsbangor.org/choralevensong.html

Added by St. Johns Episcopal Church on March 4, 2009