Details of the programme and a booking form for the Autumn meeting of the Museums Computer Group at the London Transport Museum are now online on the MCG website -
Please note that you'll still need to register for the event even if you've RSVPd on upcoming. The event is free, but you should be a member of the MCG - you can pay on the day.
We're also looking for new committee members - your chance to get involved!
There's a packed programme in prospect; Rob Lansdown of the London Transport Museum is first up with 'A Tag Wrangler's Tale - The Role of the Information Management System in Rewriting the Museum Narrative.'
We'll also be getting the latest news from Dylan Edgar and the London Museum Hub; the popular databurst sessions are filling a post-lunchtime slot, with some interesting projects to see, and there's a chance to hear an update from Nick Poole and the Collections Trust about progress with MLA and Culture24 plans.
The day finishes with optional tours of the extended London Transport Museum from around 4pm.
We might go for a drink or meal afterwards - let us know if you're interested.
Official Website:
Added by mia in london on October 22, 2008