Drink under a real Muni bus stop at the Muni Diaries Happy Hours, in conjunction with I Live Here:SF and SOMArts, and bring your Muni story or memory for the Muni Diaries story tent!
For one night, SOMArts will become a space for you to record your own Muni story. We will be on hand to record your story, however old or new. Your stories will be collected on a new page we’ll be unveiling on Muni Diaries called Muni Time Capsule, a treasure trove of photos, schedules, maps, stories (we hope!), and ephemera from Muni days gone by.
Inside the gallery you’ll see photographs by Julie Michelle, the mastermind behind I Live Here:SF, art by Chris Rusak, and collection of film archived by Rick Prelinger.
Added by chien_eugenia on November 9, 2010