6131 Highland Road
Highland Heights, Ohio 44143

In celebration of NFL Draft Day, the sixth annual Multiple Sclerosis Draft Day Benefit Party is set for Saturday, April 28 at Mulligan’s (6131 Highland Road) in Highland Heights.

The party kicks off at 11 a.m. and lasts until 8 p.m. Admission is $25 per person which includes food, two drink tickets and a raffle ticket. Musical entertainment will be provided by Kevin McCarthy and Light of Two Moons.

Co-founders of the event are Joe Bradley and Dan Johnson. The event started six years ago in Bradley’s basement. It quickly drew more interest and is now recognized as one of the largest third party contributors in Ohio to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Bradley and Johnson recently formed The Karen Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis.

“We’re thrilled to have started this foundation in conjunction with the NMSS for families in need of help to cope with the daily stresses that this disease brings into the home,” said Bradley. “The foundation is named after my mother, Karen, who currently lives with the disease.”

The goal is to build on a successful foundation and make the MS Draft Day Party a national event in every NFL city. For more information, call 216-798-3687 or email jmb2002@adelphia.net.

Added by patton on April 10, 2007

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