Rather than just get together to chat and drink, this time we will be using our time constructively. We will be redesiging the Multipack website!
It's served us well for the last 18 months or so but its time to move on to the next level and make the website a hub for all - existing members and new visitors.
We will be taking over the offices of One Black Bear in the Custard Factory for a whole day, planning tasks first thing in the morning, coding and designing through the day for a relaunch on the Monday morning (we need to test these enhancements, hence the delay in launching).
If you're keen to attend, bring your kit (laptop or Mac) and some drink - we'll supply some munchies and try to fit in a pub lunch at some point.
Official Website: http://www.multipack.co.uk/
Added by sijobling on September 24, 2007
I've taken liberty of putting a few plans in place for the day, if only as a template for what is to come and how the day should pan out...
10am: Planning
11am-1pm: Morning Code
1-2pm: Lunch Break
2-6pm: Afternoon Code
6-7pm: Presentations & Tests
7-8pm: Fixes & Delegation of Future Developments
This is obviously for those who can make it for the entire day. I know there will be people (me probably included) who will only be able to partake during select periods of the day. If you are one of these and would like to ear-mark your speciality, please outline your area of expertise in the comments below. We will do our best to keep that spot free for you then (but can't promise anything).
From previous conversations, these are the following areas that will require attention:
- Homepage Integrations
* Blog Posts
* Forum Posts
* Upcoming.org Feed
* Flickr Pool
* del.icio.us + Digg pool of links
- Forum Spam Protection (PunBB)
- Data Cleaning of Defunct Members
These are just the preferred tasks for the day. Obviously if we have time for other developments, feel free to leave a comment below. It'll just be a case of prioritising in the morning Planning session.
Don't forget that there will be alcohol involved (from lunch time, I guess) so afternoon work may take a hit... I can probably be around late morning to late afternoon to do whatever I can.
I'll likely be about for the morning and some afternoon.
However, it does clash with my stag do, so I'll wave you goodbye around mid afternoon...
@LintHuman: Good point. Although those that are driving will obviously be more productive than those opting for public transport. I might have to check the late train times after all!
@Shuckle: YOUR stag do?? There's your social follow-up right there! Ross gate-crashed one of our friend's stag do's last year so its not unheard of. And at least its a guaranteed laugh! (I didn't even know you were engaged, many congratulations to you and your other half. Whats the date?)
@simey_j, that's what you get for missing meetings! Date is the 17th.
hmm. can anyone attend, i would love to see how you guys pull together as a social unit to build stuff, the idea might be well transplanted onto podcamps.
. . .and then there was silence. . .
You're too fast for us r3wind. :)
Of course you're welcome - this is as much a social as normal.
The only difference is you will need to bring your own drink. If necessary, we could always pull together and chip in towards a crate of beer. I can pick one up the night before and people can donate towards it. Looking at the current numbers, I reckon a 24-pack would be enough. Whose in?