700 El Paseo De Saratoga
San Jose, California 95130

Registration deadline July 30, event Saturday, Sept 8, 9:30am to 12pm

A NEW PARADIGM IN EDUCATION & ENTERTAINMENT! Experience stunning visuals & sounds. Use your full brain capacity. Achieve immediate mind quieting, consciousness expansion and profound healing.

Caroline Cory is a futurist, visionary and the founder of the OMnium Method - a new education system based on universal vibrations of Light, Sound and Geometry for immediate stress relief, deep healing, cellular reprogramming, faster learning and consciousness expansion.

* Inquire about GROUP DISCOUNTS at office@omniumuniverse.com
** This event does not include any food or beverages.

NEW PARADIGM EDUCATION WORKSHOP, September 8th & 9th, 2012 (Sat: 2pm to 6:30pm - Sun: 1pm to 6:30pm). Theater Arts, West Valley College, 14000 Fruitvale Ave, Saratoga, CA.

All information is already within you! Learn to use your full brain to retrieve any information. Registration deadline: July 30th. For more details or to purchase tickets, go to: www.omniumuniverse.com University / Live Classes

Official Website: http://omniumuniverse.com/index.php?top=main&top_active=134&sub=33&sub_active=146&content_type=externalpages&content_id=18&right_content_type=sub&right_content_id=31

Added by FullCalendar on July 6, 2012

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