Festival Name: MultiFestival Kent (Downtown Kent, Ohio)
Location: Kent, OH: Kent Stage & 6 Other Venues in Downtown Kent
Start Date: 9/22/2007
End Date:9/23/2007
Band Lineup:The Encore -FROM NYC- (think FALL OUT BOY!), Derica (EX-COBRA VERDE!), Carlos Jones (Legendary Cleveland Reggae!), The Grits, Burning River Band, Beatles On Bass!, The Zoo, Prevalation, Paper Wall, August, Paper Weight, Lotus Groove, Mic Lourdes, Pipeline and many, many more!
Festival Website URL:www.multifestival.com/multifestivalkent.htm
Festival Description:30 BANDS/7 VENUES/$10! The MultiFestival Showcase Series presents its 138th thru 145th Ohio events! MultiFestival Kent Venues include The Robinhood, Fat Jimmy's, The Kent Stage Auditorium, Europe Gyro, Club Khameleon, Firefly and The Gazebo Stage -Outdoors-, ALL IN DOWNTOWN KENT, OHIO!
Festival Contact Name:Myke Rock
Festival Phone:877-433-2674
Festival Email:magency@magencyamerica.com

Official Website: http://multifestival.com/multifestivalkent.htm

Added by MultiFestival on September 10, 2007


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