If you love to listen to live music and hear wonderful storytelling, attend the Multicultural Storytelling and Music Festival at the Albany Library. This all-day event begins with Guardians of the Word’s powerful performances of African and African American stories showcased through song, storytelling and drums. Next, Ohlone Indian storyteller and historian Alex Ramirez will move and entertain you with his stories of the Indian People throughout the Bay Area. Ellis Island Old World Folk Band will delight you with their rousing klezmer music. Finally, Rafael Manriquez and Duo Amaranto will charm you with their popular and folk music from Latin America. Two open mic periods during the day will give community members the chance to share stories of their own. This event is free and drop-in – no registration is required. A light lunch and cookies will be provided.
Contact: Julie Winkelstein (510) 526-3720 x17 jwinkelstein@aclibrary.org
Added by tereneta on April 15, 2008