While all the research says Moms are online and engaged all the time, there just isn’t much online video programming out there catering to them. There have been some moves as of late, such as the production company Prospect Park picking up All My Children and One Life to Live, but now, the fate of even these beloved brands are unclear at best.
This is why we have brought Jeff Eisenberg, Sr. Account Executive of the Mom-focused branded production company DECA, to explain how they help brands reach that coveted mom demographic with rich engaging video.
DECA is a leading women’s digital media company that creates and syndicates premium video content. The company was established in 2007 and owns DECA Studios, Her Channel and a portfolio of owned and operated sites including Momversation.com, HerSay.com, GoodBite.com,ParentsAsk.com and CoolMom.com.
As a pioneer in the women’s digital industry, DECA partners with many of the world’s most reputable media companies, content creators, influential bloggers and advertisers to syndicate high-quality online video across its scaled network.
Free for qualified industry professionals, this event gives executives a chance to mix, mingle, and do business while learning about exciting opportunities from leading names in advertising, technology, and entertainment.
Added by Justin Falcone on January 5, 2012