2021 14th St. NW
Washington DC, District of Columbia

Felix Sorgho Cordially Invites You to
Say No to The Digital Divide:
United We Stand

A Back to School Benefit
for The Multi-Media Training Institute

I would like to invite all of you to join me and fellow entrepreneurs as we showcase the recent accomplishments of the MMTI program. For over 20 years, the Multi-Media Training Institute has developed DC youth to become leaders in the technology and multimedia industries. Please continue to support our efforts to close the gap on the digital divide, so we can stand united as leaders in the information age.

Click here to see a MMTI Production
Created and Produced by MMTI

The event will feature music, poetry, and a MMTI video showcase. The details are below:

Date: Wednesday October 8, 2008
Time: 6 - 8pm

Busboys and Poets
2021 14th St. NW

RSVP to fsorgho@gmail.com
by Monday Oct. 6th

Suggested Donation:
$25 - Individual Contribution
$50 - Host Committee
$250 - Organization/Corporate Sponsor
$500 - Gold Sponsor

For more information contact Felix Sorgho at fsorgho@gmail.com or visit us at www.mmtidc.org

**Multi-Media Training Institute is 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization - All contributions will be tax deductible

Official Website: http://mmti.eventbrite.com

Added by Eventbrite Tawnee events on October 7, 2008