1515 Young St.
Dallas, Texas 75201

Laura Salfen is Flute Consultant at Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Independent School District teaching masterclasses and private lessons to students in grades 7-12 and Flute Instructor at Comal Independent School District teaching flute lessons and masterclasses at Canyon High School and Canyon Middle School. She received her Masters of Music in Music Performance from the University of North Texas and her Bachelor of Music from Ohio State University. In 2005-2006 she was winner of the Ohio State University Student Concerto Competition; in 2005 winner of the Flute Society of Kentucky Collegiate Artist Competition; and in 1997 and 2001 winner of the Gertrude Kuehefuhs Scholarship. She was President of the Central Ohio Flute Association in 2006.
Danielle Harmon, harp, received her Bachelor’s and Master’s of Music from the University of North Texas and is a frequent performer at weddings, ceremonies and parties

Official Website: http://www.muphiepsilondallas.org/concert_series.htm.

Added by Mu Phi Epsilon Sunday Concerts on January 19, 2012