1515 Young St.
Dallas, Texas 75201

Alan Dyer has been a choral director, performer, and music educator for more than 20 years. Skilled at selecting exceptional choral literature, Dyer also enthusiastically supports the development of new compositions. In addition to Artistic Director of The Texas Voices, a professional chamber choir, Dyer is an adjunct faculty member at Texas Woman's University and the music associate at First Unitarian Church in Dallas. He is also the principal accompanist of the Children's Chorus of Greater Dallas. Throughout his career, Dyer has worked with renowned choral directors such as Dr. Lloyd Pfautsch, Dr. Peter Bagley, and Cynthia Nott. He earned a master of music degree from Southern Methodist University and has completed doctoral courses at the University of North Texas. Dyer is active in the American Choral Directors Association and the Texas Choral Directors Association.

Official Website: http://www.muphiepsilondallas.org/concert_series.htm

Added by Mu Phi Epsilon Sunday Concerts on January 19, 2012