The purpose of the climb-a-thon is to help my friend Stacey Collver celebrate surviving her first two years of life after a critical double-lung transplant surgery in November of 2004. (The average survival rate is five years.) The climb-a-thon also is an opportunity to help financially support her medical expenses, which includes health insurance, significant immuno-suppressant drugs, and at times, hospitalization fees from things such as a common cold that put her back in the hospital for two months in 2005. Stacey will donate 10% of the raised funds to research to help find a cure for lymphangioleiomyomatosis(LAM), the rare lung disease she had before the transplant.
Thanks to the support of Planet Granite, we will be having the 4th Annual Climb-a-thon at the Belmont gym. The goal of this fun challenge is for all the climbers to reach a combined goal of 29,035 feet, the height of Mt. Everest. Participants will have 3 hours to climb as much as possible.
I'm currently participating in this event and am seeking sponsors. I have a personal goal of 1000 feet in the span of 3 hours. At the Planet Granite gym, I believe the height of the gym is about 50 feet. That means that I have to make a climb every 9 minutes in order to succeed.
If you're interested in sponsoring me, you can pay by check payable to: National Transplant Assistance Fund, and in the memo, note: " For Stacey Collver."
You can also donate online at; click on the red "contribute" button, and then the yellow "secure online donations" button. Choose "C" under the alphabet and scroll to Stacey Collver. Enter the donation amount and charge card information. Please let me know that you are donating.
Donations are tax deductible.
If you're interested in participating, you can contact Stacey at
Regardless of whether you donate or not, I encourage people to come out to this event and cheer us on as we attempt to climb the height of Mt. Everest.
Official Website:
Added by fngkestrel on November 9, 2006