10914 S La Cienega Blvd,
Inglewood, California 90304

Saturday March 28th at Passive Arts10914 S La Cienega Blvd.Inglewood, CA 90304
This venue WILL SELL OUT! A limited number of tickets may be available at the door, but we strongly recommend advance purchase if you wish to ensure entrance.

Doors Open at 7:30 pm, Contest is at 8 pm.

Mile High Club Tickets (post contest party) not honored till 10:30 pm.

Basic ticket is SRO (Standing Room Only) The Platinum Flyer package includes seating.
(Differently abled, or folks who need seating for physical or medical reasons can buy a basic ticket and then request a seating waiver from the registrar @ registrar@la-leather.com)

Organized by Los Angeles Leather Coalition
The LALC will facilitate communication and mutual understanding among different segments of the leather - affiliated community, as well as promote unity through cooperative endeavors that offer entertainment, education, social interaction, and community service.
LALC will be supportive of its constituents' events and activities, and will work to increase mutual participation in and cooperation among the community.

Ticket Info:  Mr LA Leather Contest Ticket & Mile High Club (SRO), $25.99

Official Website: http://lalcontest-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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