Victoria Embankment, corner of Bridge Street
London, England SW1A 2LW

Connecting with constituents: MPs and Digital Engagement

7 July, 6.30pm, Portcullis House, Westminster

"We would like to invite you to join us for an exploration into the potential of online engagement in connecting MPs to their constituents, enabling them to embed current relationships and strengthen new ones. There will be practical demonstrations of online engagement tools with Tim Hood from Yoosk and Paul Hodgkin from Patient Opinion.

Andy Williamson of the Hansard Society, along with Jon Kingsbury from NESTA will discuss how MPs and their staff can use online tools to enhance and further their work in building lasting, credible relationships with their constituents.

· Build awareness about how the internet can help enhance an MP’s reputation in their constituency

· See a working demonstration of the power of the internet for gathering information from constituencies

· Envisage how MPs can get instant updates on issues in their constituency

· Enhance the use of social media and the internet to hear and interact with constituents

· Further understanding of how MPs can use the internet to connect with constituents

The discussion will be open to attendees to share their experiences of online engagement and ask questions of the panellists and each other.

To register for this event please email hans_admin[@] "

Added by delineator on July 1, 2010

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