Sun May 20, 4-5:30pm
Enjoy Mozart, mothers and more with Viva la Musica! Our spring concerts feature an eclectic and electric program, with virtuoso soloists--vocal and instrumental--a charismatic chorus, and a crackerjack orchestra. Music by Mozart is central to the program, music both sacred and secular, serious and jocular, vocal and instrumental, youthful and mature. Mozart had an especially close relationship with his mother. In the spirit of Mother's Day, we show our patron-appreciation by offering bargain-priced tickets --for both our May concerts, Sunday, May 13, and Sunday, May 20. Make Mom's day more magical: include our concert in your plans.
The program includes: Mozart Serenata Notturno, for two string orchestras and timpani, Mozart Credo Mass, for choir, orchestra, and soloists, Mozart aria, Alma grande e nobi core for soprano solo and orchestra, a Baroque quadruple concerto for oboes, trumpets, and orchestra, Karl Jenkins In These Stones Horizons Sing for baritone solo, saxophone solo, choir, and orchestra, traditional South African Songs sung in Zulu and Sotho, and Mom-isms set to Rossini William Tell Overture.
The line up of soloists is dazzling: Carla von Merz, soprano, Elspeth Franks, mezzo-soprano, Edgar Harris, tenor, William Neil, bass, Jordan Eldredge, baritone, Peter Lemberg and Meave Cox, oboes, Guy Clark and Laura Shea-Clark, trumpets, Amy Duxbury, bassoon, James Pytko, saxophone, and a string ensemble of soloists, led by Be'eri Moalem, concert master.
Sunday, May 13, 4 pm, Transfiguration Church, 3900 Alameda De Las Pulgas, San Mateo, CA 84403
Sunday, May 20, 4 pm, St Peter's Church, 178 Clinton Street, Redwood City, CA 94062
Tickets: $20 reserved/$15 general admission/$12 seniors/$10 students & groups.
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For more information call 650 281-9663 or email
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Added by FullCalendar on May 11, 2012