A NEW Model Workshop on Grief and Loss to support release of distressful feelings usingBreathwork, QiGong, Tai Chi and Yoga
Supporting the Energy of the BodyDuring the Grieving Process
The events in life that cause us sadness, loss and grief also cause profound changesin the body; physically, emotionally and energetically from loss of loved ones, relationships,health, jobs and more.
Western research has discovered that when people are grieving or depressed, the levelof T-cells (fighter immunity cells) in the body drops, thereby highlighting the strongcorrelation between feeling grief and an increased tendency to experience viral andbacterial infections, anxiety, anger and depression.
How we nurture ourselves, and How we process these emotions greatly impacts ourphysical and mental well-being during the grieving process. This workshop is for thoseinterested in learning how to alleviate the fall out of grief and loss on the body and soul.
Participants will learn a short series of gentle, yet powerful exercises to fostera sense of emotional and physical balance:
* simple acupressure techniques designed to reduce dispiritedness
* practices for changing the neurochemistry of the brain to promote serenity
* Breathwork, QiGong, Tai Chi and Yoga
In the midst of grief and loss let your sorrow be transformed into strength
Your Co-Facilitators: Laurie Ellis Young and Heather Reade
When: Saturday, April 4, 2009 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Where: The Aslan Institute, Narnia Room
4141 Old Sibley Memorial Highway
Eagan, MN 55122
Price: $125 before March 25; $135 March 26 - April 3; $ 150 April 4
About the Instructors:
Laurie Young, MTC, CYT, has been practicing and studying yoga, breathwork, mind/body therapies and well-being techniques for over 34 years. A pioneer in the field of breathwork as a healing modality, she is the director of Breathe The Change, facilitating workshops, retreats and pilgrimages worldwide. The healing practices that I teach, with great compassion and from my heart, have been honed by my own grief and loss.
Heather Reade, Lic. Tai Chi/ QiGong Instructor, CYT, ACE Personal Trainer,is the founder of Full Circle Tai Chi, which provides classes and workshops on the healthaspects of Tai Chi and QiGong. She is a student of Chinese Medicine and creator of Shui Gong TM (a therapeutic Tai Chi and QiGong water exercise program). I understand the effects of sadness and grief on the body, due to my own grieving process; Tai Chi and Qigong helped me move from understanding to acceptance and from acceptance to a state of healing.
Organized by Breathe the Change and Full Circle Tai Chi
Ticket Info: - before March 25, $128.12
- March 26 - April 3, $138.38
- April 4, $153.75
Official Website: http://breathethechange-upcoming.eventbrite.com