1400 Parkview Avenue
Manhattan Beach, California 90266

Dear Friends --

The California Immigrant Policy Center (CIPC) and co-sponsoring organizations invite you to participate in a statewide immigrant rights conference entitled: "Moving Forward, Building a Shared Vision for Immigrant Rights in 2008," October 30th, 2007 in Los Angeles. The goal of the conference is to provide a unique opportunity for immigrant rights, grassroots and community-based organizations and advocates from all regions of the state to discuss, learn, and strategize about current issues facing California's immigrants.

In the absence of federal immigration reform, California has witnessed a reinvigoration of efforts to pass laws and policies that threaten immigrants in our state. While the challenges are great, California has at the same time shown leadership in developing programs and policies that help immigrants integrate into the state. We can build upon this foundation by developing and implementing a coordinated statewide plan to ensure that negative laws and proposals fail and that immigrant voices and concerns are reflected at all levels of the political debate.

Won't you join us for this important event? For more information or to register please visit our website at: www.caimmigrant.org or call Frankie Nelson at: (916) 448-6762. For a registration form and list of workshops please see the forms attached.

The Statewide Immigrant Rights Conference is co-sponsored by: American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, Asian Pacific American Legal Center, Bay Area Immigrant Rights Coalition, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, California Immigrant Policy Center, California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, Central Valley Partnership, Justice Overcoming Boundaries, Mobilize the Immigrant Vote, National Immigration Law Center, Southeast Asia Resource Action Center, Services Immigrant Rights and Education Network, Strengthening Our Lives, Sweatshop Watch and the United Farm Workers Foundation.

We hope to see you there!


Cary Sanders
Northern California Policy Analyst
California Immigrant Policy Center (CIPC)
405 14th Street, Suite 1400
Oakland, CA 94612

Tel. (510) 663-8282 ext. 303
Email: csanders@caimmigrant.org

SAVE THE DATE -- OCTOBER 30, 2007!!!
Join us for a Statewide Immigrant Rights Conference
9am-5pm, Southern California
Call (916) 448-6762 for more details!

Added by alberttwong on October 22, 2007

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