1400 S Lake Shore Dr
Chicago, Illinois 60605

The plates of Earth's crust are always on the move. Discover how and why -- and what happens when they collide.

Added by Upcoming Robot on July 26, 2008



The London Pub Standards crew have set up a pub standards point scoring system using photos on Flickr. Seeing as we still haven't posted any photos, I thought I'd try a upcoming comment method. Simply add a comment containing one of these:

Name:AttendedWhole if you attended the whole evening
Name:AttendedPart if you attended part of the evening (over an hour)
Name:AttendedHour if you attended for 30-60 minutes

Replace "Name" with your name, which should not contain spaces, nor should there be spaces either side of the colon. From the start of your name to the end of the duration tag, there should only be letters or numbers (for the name) a colon, and letters (for the duration tag).

If the name is specified as Name, it will be ignored (that way this post doesn't confuse things).

Interested 1