Brooklyn, New York 11201

The classic 1979 NY gang film in a classic NY setting. If you don't know the film, perhaps a snippet of the event description will entice you: "As in A Clockwork Orange, few of the gang members carry any weapon more dangerous than a baseball bat or knife, and most don getups that most today would find hard to take seriously: traditional mime garb (The Hi-Hats), baseball uniforms and fan face paint (The Baseball Furies), wide-brimmed fedoras (The Boppers), as well as the Warriors' Indian costuming."

Official Website: http://www.brooklynbridgepark.org/index.cfm?objectid=8F5DD85B-3048-2C77-F2D7579439271DB3&navid=EF670B44-3048-2C77-F20C2202337458ED

Added by clintonhillbilly on August 22, 2006



I LOVE this movie.