Remarkable, influential, and unforgettable drama tracing the rise of publishing mogul, Charles Foster Kane (Orson Welles) from humble beginnings to riches and accolades beyond belief. Based on the life of publishing tycoon William Randolph Hearst, CITIZEN KANE is considered one of the greatest movies of all time.
Citizen Kane (PG)
Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Agnes Moorhead
RKO; Directed by Orson Welles
120 minutes; 1941
Redwood City's summer movie experience continues with FREE movies on 13 Thursday evenings starting at sundown (approximately 8:45 pm), with a vast variety of movies that will delight kids and adults alike. This year's movies run from June 7th through August 30th and include recent flicks such as The Muppets on June 21st, Hugo on August 2nd, as well as movie classics like The Karate Kid on July 19th and Citizen Kane on August 30th, among many, many others. It's best to arrive early for the choice seats (a limited number of chairs and tables are available).
Moviegoers can bring blankets, grab take-out from nearby restaurants, kick back and enjoy the experience Redwood of City's high definition surround sound 25' outdoor theater! Movies are shown in high definition Blu-ray and Surround sound when available. More info at:
6/7 Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (PG-13)
6/14 Ferris Bueller's Day Off (PG-13)
6/21 The Muppets (PG)
- Sponsored by KOIT
6/28 GI Joe: Rise of Cobra (PG-13)
7/5 We Bought a Zoo (PG)
7/12 That Thing You Do (PG)
7/19 The Karate Kid (PG)
7/26 The Lion King (G)
- Sponsored by KOIT
8/2 Hugo (PG)
8/9 The Great Outdoors (PG)
8/16 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (PG)
8/23 The Goonies (PG)
8/30 Citizen Kane (PG)
Along with Movies on the Square, other exciting FREE evening events include: Music on the Square on Fridays, Dancing on the Square on Tuesdays, and Downtown Jazz on Mondays. Other ongoing events in the coming months include special outdoor exhibits featuring Art on the Square, Shakespeare in the Park and weekend Target Family Days.
Full details at
Official Website:
Added by Hope Insite on July 26, 2012