2809 Yale Blvd.
St. Charles, Missouri 63301

“Flatland” is an exciting animated short film based on the 1884 novella by Edwin A. Abbott. Arthur Square (Martin Sheen’s voice) and his curious granddaughter, Hex (Kristin Bell’s voice), face grave danger when they begin to come to terms with the truth of a third dimension. Will the mysterious visitor, Spherius (Michael York’s voice) lead them on a journey to new realms previously experienced only in dreams?

“The Privileged Planet”, a documentary film, explores the scientific evidence for intelligent design and purpose in the universe. With stunning computer animation, spectacular images of Earth and the Cosmos, and interviews with leading scientists, startling connections are explored.

Friends & Family warmly welcomed. Please bring a snack to share. Love offering graciously appreciated.

Added by grannyd4000 on December 31, 2012

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