*** 24/10/08 : Unfortunataly, due to a small number of attendees, we decided to cancel the MoveCamp.
This being said, if you want to organize a MoveCamp by yourself, be it in Belfort or somewhere else, don't hesitate ! ***
MoveCamp is a BarCamp on Urban Mobility inside the Mobilis international Encounters in Eastern France
MoveCamp is inspired by BarCamp.
BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees.
With the raise of oil price, and in the framework of sustainable development, MoveCamp aims to promote interresting discussion and sharing of ideas on how we could reconcile mobility and respect of the environement.
We would like to bring together experts, innovators, founders, students, engaged citizens and open-minded people to discuss stuff like:
* Alternative energies
* Improving recycling
* Carsharing
* Rethinking public transportation & urban planning
* Culture of community and collaboration
* The place of Education in Urban Mobility
* Interresting personnal projects
* Stories about successful usecases or (interresting bad examples)
* Does & Don'ts
* add your own idea here
If you have ideas or projects or want to do something to change actively the way we move in urban areas (which has a huge impact on sustainable development), you are welcome to join and share your ideas with us.
The event will be well-documented in the form of blog posts, wiki content, photos, and video for everyone who is unable to attend. (Please use the tag: movecamp)
Official Website: http://barcamp.org/MoveCamp
Added by SachaLemaire on September 15, 2008