Qu Junktions presents. 'Mountain of 8' (A mini Festival ) with Dirty Projectors + Polar Bear + Wildbirds & Peacedrums + Matt Elliott + Gary Smith + Lucky Dragons + Silver Stairs of Ketchikan + Silver Pyre - 6pm -
A summit of bands, duos and solo projects that reaches for the elastic pinnacle. Dirty Projectors epitomise the smart art rock class with their awkward/marvellous mind-bend indie. They cram influences, instruments and literary themes into radio-pop size songs. Polar Bear'sincendiary jazz rock blends and contrasts hypno-groove, improv primitivism and skronk. Also on the mountain are the Swedish free-blues soul-pop duo Wildbirds & Peacedrums, Matt Elliott's howling, bewitching and woozy semi-Balkan song, Gary Smith (of Aufgehoben) playing electric guitar like no other, and the tropical smells and gorgeous dexterity of Lucky Dragons . Fellow adventures include the broken sonic spells of Silver Stairs of Ketchikan,and the West Country pastoral/industrial duo of Silver Pyre (featuring Tom Bugs). Peak2Peak music action.
Note: the Dark Studio has limited capacity and operates on a first come first served basis
Added by petef on January 25, 2009