Premiered in 2009, Moulin Rouge® - The Ballet is an original burlesque-inspired storybook ballet with irrepressible “Gay Paree” style, razzle-dazzle dancing, eye-popping costumes, twinkling sets and a score made up of well-known French music. Along with a rousing soundtrack featuring Offenbach, Ravel, Strauss, Debussy and a dash of Piazzolla, the ballet features high-kicking choreography and a passionate story of love, ambition and heartbreak. “The Royal Winnipeg Ballet is the first company in the world to be granted permission by the notorious Moulin Rouge cabaret to use the name. And ooh la la, its reputation is safe in the hands of this great Canadian company…. More elegant than lewd, more provocative than rude, the ballet captures the bohemian flavor and bell époque glamour of the period” (Time Columnist). Le Droit calls the show “creative, original…. A sure-fire formula for seduction.”
Official Website:
Added by sapt42 on September 28, 2011