This will be Coronado MainStreet's 19th annual car show, MotorCars on MainStreet, featuring over 380 pre-73 restored classic, rod and custom cars & trucks. The event will be held in downtown Coronado, one block from the beach, at Isabella & Orange Avenues, on Sunday April19 from 10-3 PM during Coronado's "Flower Show Weekend". There will be live music, awards and drawings throughout the day. Viewing is free and car registrations are $25 before April 12. Additional T-Shirts are available before the event by calling the number below. This event will sell out. For more information, contact our web site, www.CoronadoMainStreet.com or call (619) 437-0254.
Organized by Coronado MainStreet LtdA downtown revitilization program dedicated to the beautification and enhancement of Coronado's downtown.
Ticket Info: - Early Bird Registration (before 4/12/09), $25.00
- Late Registration (after 4/12/09 or on-site), $30.00
Official Website: http://motorcarsonmainstreet-upcoming.eventbrite.com