4001 W Mcnichols Rd
Detroit, Michigan 48221

A Garage Sale Like No Other!
August 22nd event kick-offs the Halloween shopping season

DETROIT, August 22, 2009 – The Motor City Haunt Club hosts its 4th annual Haunted Garage Sale. From novelty decorations to high-end props, this is a must see event for any Halloween enthusiast. Over twenty vendors will be cleaning out their garages and attics to sell their spooky stuff at low prices.

Fill your shopping bags with rats, spiders, bats, skulls and other small props or bring home a full-sized skeleton or zombie. Shop for creepy laboratory glassware or animatronic props. Horror fans will enjoy a vast collection of CDs, DVDs, books, and magazines. Motor City Haunt Club members will be selling some of their own custom props and controllers as well.

The garage sale will take place on Saturday, August 22nd from 10AM to 4 PM at the University of Detroit Mercy Chemistry Building. The university is located at 4001 W. McNichols Rd., Detroit, MI 48221. For a detailed map, http://www.udmercy.edu/about/campus/locations/
and for more information about the Motor City Haunt Club, please visit http://www.motorcityhauntclub.com

Table space is still available. If you are interested in selling merchandise, contact Meghann Mouyianis at 313-993-1259 or meghann@motorcityhauntclub.com

Added by Staticsue on August 10, 2009