Mostly Literary Fiction Book Group: Someone Knows My Name
Mon., August 9th, 2010
Two meetings: Noon at Peet's Coffee (B Street and Mission) &
6:30 p.m. at Hayward Main Library, 835 C St. @ Mission Blvd., Hayward, CA (2 blocks from Hayward BART)
We will be discussing Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill. Enslaved on a South Carolina plantation, Aminata Diallo works in the indigo fields and as a midwife. When she is bought by an entrepreneur from Charleston, she is torn from friends and family. The chaos of the Revolutionary War allows her to escape. In British-held Manhattan, she helps pen the Book of Negroes, a list of blacks rewarded for wartime service to the King with safe passage to Nova Scotia. During her travels in Canada, Sierra Leone, and England, Aminata strives for her freedom and that of her people — even when it comes at a price. Not able to attend meetings but want to discuss this book with others? Join the Mostly Literary Fiction Book Group on and participate in online discussions! For more information contact or call 510-881-7700.
Official Website:
Added by pennygwynne on June 23, 2010