"In a sonic cocktail of Sting, Stevie Wonder, Seal, Jamiroquai, and the Beatles, Joshua Stedman's sound resonates as a slow, reflective pour of these classic and modern influential artists."
The talented Max Farber accompanies on Betsy's baby grand - for an evening of great live music with these two talented young men.
Make a night of it, and reserve your table at BLT Steak for best seats! Call 305-673-0044 for dinner reservations. For all of our great events, here at The Betsy and on Miami Beach, visit our website at http://thebetsyhotel.com/.
Hotel guests can contact our Concierge directly for personal assistance with this and other cultural events, transportation, dinner recommendations and more.
Betsy provides year-round philanthropy, arts and cultural programming as part of our commitment to community. For more information, visit our Philanthropy page at http://TheBetsyHotel.com/philanthropy.
Added by Betsy Hotel on February 4, 2013