880 Mitten Road., Suite Z
Burlingame, California 94010

Learn how you could benefit from mortgage modification with a company that has a near 90% SUCCESS RATE!!

PLEASE NOTE: Those of you who are out of the area or are unable to attend the Seminar and need help with Mortgage Modification, please email Roselyne Genin at roselyne.genin@gmail.com or call (408) 391-1438.

Get peace of mind! Stop spending sleepless nights over your mortgage payments! Get help now! Find out how you can get mortgage modification help from a Mortgage Broker with 30 years experience in the Mortgage industry.

Here's what the company does to help modify your mortgage:

*Use over 30 years of mortgage and loss mitigation experience to work for you
*Use direct contact numbers for your lender to communicate with the decision makers in a matter or minutes, so you don't get the run around
*Put together a complete personal profile of your mortgage situation which will provide your lender with what they need to modify your loan, and puts a face and name on your situation
*Handle all communication between you and the lender with your best interest in mind
*Put together a plan to not only get you through a modification, but also give you a roadmap to stay in your home for years to come
*Advise you on the proper way to "walk away" from your property if loan modification is not possible
*Will never make guarantees or promises that they cannot keep. You will be informed every step of the way

The average loan modification reduces the mortgage payment by 30%.

On average this works out to just over $570 per month.

The company can't guarantee how much you will save, but unless the savings is to your liking, you don't have to complete the modification. It puts you in control.

Free (Must register to attend).

Official Website: http://jan10.eventbrite.com/

Added by FullCalendar on December 28, 2008

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