They say that the biggest bar night of the year is Thanksgiving Eve. Let’s help out in making sure that stays true! Join the members of NJYP as we pack the bar with Young Professionals. Expect drink specials, new faces, and a Happy Hour that might go on well into the night.
Please note this event will start at 5pm since MOST will be getting out of work early.
Who should attend:
Anyone who is 21-39 years old. There is no cover and ALL are welcome! Please RSVP so we know you are attending.
What to expect:
Our Happy Hours are very casual. There are no sign-in tables, no name tags, and no ice breakers. Expect people to walk up to you to introduce themselves and feel free to walk up to others who you do not know. Newbies are at EVERY NJYP event so if this is your first, you won't be alone.
How to find the group:
Meet us at the bar of course. We are going to take it over so please please talk to strangers. Just say, “Hey, you are you NJYP?”
There is a big public parking lot in back.
Official Website:
Added by its_supersara on November 11, 2009