41835 N. Castle Hot Springs Rd.
Morristown, Arizona 85342

Come explore one of the secrets of Lake Pleasant Park. Morgan City wash is a lush area with a small creek. We will explore this lush riparian area and maybe spot some wildlife. The hike is four miles and will take about four hours. Wear hiking shoes that might get wet. Bring some water and a snack for our mid-hike break. The hike is moderate with one long hill at the end. Just show up, no need to call, unless you have questions. Look for the "Hike" Signs once inside the park, and meet Ranger T across from the 10-lane boat launch parking area (Look for the "Hike" sign). Contact: Terry Gerber 602-372-7460 ext. 202.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 17, 2010