In 2007 the Bishop of London Challenged the Moot Community to seek to become contemplatives to be able to sustain the vision of Moot - to be able to discern a complex God in a complex culture. The place of contemplation in our lives is therefore important as we seek to discern God.
Moot has for sometime been promoting new/old ways to engage with prayer, particularly forms of contemplation. Inline with our rhythm of life, this prayer day seeks to enable participants to explore different approaches to prayer. Julie Dunstan, a spiritual director and trained in forms of ignatian prayer will lead the day.
This event is open to all people who are exploring prayer - whether you feel a novice, struggle with it or just want to go deeper.
This event will be held in the beautiful and peaceful surroundings of St Saviour's Priory Near Old Street, East London. It will start from 10am and finish at 3pm with packed lunch. There will also be coffee breaks. Click here for map of location.
Bio on Julie Dunstan
I have a particular interest in how Christian spirituality can (though often doesn't!) reach people at depth and foster growth and healing. I want to help people experience God's presence in personal and authentic ways; to get people out of their heads and into their hearts; into God's heart. I am a member of All Saints' Church, West Dulwich, and presently developing an alternative prayer project called All Saints' Soul Space. I am married with one lovely daughter. I am grateful for God's grace.
Organized by Moot CommunityMoot is an emerging & fresh expressions of church project in Westminster. For more info see www.moot.uk.net
Ticket Info: - Adult waged, £12.00
- Student & unwaged, £9.50
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/261336665/upcoming