Portland, OR, Oregon 97205

Join the Columbia Slough Watershed Council and City of Portland's Environmental Services on an evening paddle of the Columbia Slough. The Slough's quiet waters and surrounding wetlands and riparian areas are home to more than 140 species of birds and other wildlife. Bring your own watercraft, paddles and personal flotation device (required). Or, you can make a reservation for a free CSWC canoe rental. Pre-registration is required and space is limited, so please register early!

Cost: Free. Donations are welcome.

Official Website: http://www.columbiaslough.org/PDFs/events/Calendar%20of%20Events/2008%20CSWC%20Event%20Calendar.Descriptions.pdf

Added by slozito on January 2, 2008



I am loe boy i always fell happy joy me and be happy.