23 Visitacion Avenue
Brisbane, California 94005

"First Tuesday" open mics are a howling success! Bands, solo or duo performers, nothing too loud, good vibes all around. Good audience turnout and local performers too. But I know there's more of you out there. So let's do it again every first Tuesday starting at 7:30pm. Come down to listen or participate and see for yourself!

Here's the details: 23 Club at 23 Visitacion Avenue Brisbane CA 94005 USA. Plenty of parking, 2 blocks from bus(see below) Sign ups at 7PM, or contact in advance. Start Time 7:30PM. Mix of acoustic and electric performances till 10 PM. 10 -11pm featured band or all star session. Backline provided: Drums, bass amp, guitar amp, mics and DI for acoustic instruments.

BANDS please contact in advance for scheduling. Drummers please bring own cymbals snare and kik pedal (or talk to drummer and tell him you'll be nice to his kit)

Folks wanting accompaniment: Bring clear charts and be prepared to turn pages if necessary. calling in advance with your material a better idea.

Procrastinators: Last months session filled up with just ONE posting to this list and craigslist. Now with this Facebook site and great photos, don’t be late!

Public transit: Bus from SF to San Mateo: http://www.samtrans.com/pdf/Schedules/Route_292_02-01-10.pdf You take the BAYSHORE/OLD COUNTY ROAD stop and walk towards the stars.

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=319918077463&ref=ts

Added by 200pockets on June 11, 2010